Survey Panel Reviews and Ratings

Our paid survey reviews are written and submitted by real users just like you who want to share their experiences with others. If you are a member of one of the panels listed on our site please feel free to submit a review.

Or if you are just looking for some information about a panel before deciding to join or not then reading our reviews is a great place to start.

Rating: starstarstarstar
Global Test Market Review
Submitted by Mike, USA via
One of my favorite panels. Would've given it 5 stars if the payout was lower. But even at $50 it is still reachable. Definitely a panel everyone should join.
Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Global Test Market Review
Submitted by Alex, USA via
Joined Global Test Market about two months and started receiving paid survey invitations immediately. Sometimes 5 or 6 a day. I usually only qualify for one out of every 5 or so, but the screeners are short so they don't waste a lot of your time if you don't qualify.

I reached payout about a week ago and have requested a check. This is my favorite survey panel by far.
Rating: starstarstarstarstar
SurveySavvy Review
Submitted by Bernard, usa via
Best survey panel there is!
I joined Survey Savvy about two years ago when I first started taking online surveys. At that time I joined about 20 panels and was trying to take as many surveys as I could.

After a few months I quit taking surveys from most of the panels I had joined and decided to only stick with the ones that were most consistent. I chose to stay with SurveySavvy because the sent frequent surveys, their payout was low and I could earn even more money referring others. I am still a member of a few other panels and take surveys occasionally from them. But Survey Savvy is the only survey panel that I would give a full 5 stars.
Rating: starstarstarstarstar
The Panel Station Review
Submitted by martin ibarra, mexico via
good job.
Rating: starstarstarstarstar
My Survey Review
Submitted by Vanessa, usa via
I first starting taking online surveys about 3 years ago and MySurvey was the very first survey panel I joined. Since then I have joined several other panels, but MySurvey is still my favorite.

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